California Endive Salad with Satsuma Mandarin Orange

The following recipe combines endive’s naturally earthy, bitter flavor and crisp, whimsical texture with the sweet, punchy flavor of Satsuma Mandarins. The juice from the mandarins and the texture from the olive oil give the salad a light, tropical flavor. Creamy goat cheese is added to create a sophisticated flair that is both unique and delicious. California endive is grown throughout the year, it’s a healthy choice for winter salads. Here, the bitter raw endive meets up with sweet satsuma mandarin oranges. A little creamy goat cheese and minced parsley join the party, then everything is drizzled with olive oil. Very simple and very delicious. The flavors are so rich, juicy and so delightful that you won’t even want salad dressing! Simple and delicious, this healthy salad pairs well with a chilled glass of light-medium-bodied Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay. If the wine is too sweet (like moscato or reisling), it won’t work well with the endives or mandarins, but if it’s too dry (like some sauvignon blancs) it won’t work well with the cheese.
2 heads of California Endive
2 Satsuma mandarins
1-2 oz of crumbled goat cheese
2-4 tablespoons minced parsley
Good quality olive oil
Using a sharp paring knife, peel the Satsuma mandarins and then slice them cross-wise. Trim the bottoms off of the endives and separate the leaves. Arrange them on two plates and top them with the sliced citrus. Sprinkle crumbled goat cheese and parsley on top and drizzle the olive oil over the salad before serving. You also might want to try tangerines, grapefruits or blood-oranges with this dish. Almonds also work well here, as the creamy goat cheese mixes nicely with nutty flavors. Serves 2.
By Kara Mae Adamo. Recipe Inspired by Martha Stewart.