The life of an endive begins as a seed of specially selected chicory varieties. Blue flowers of chicory are a familiar sight in pastures and along roadsides throughout much of the US.
Phase 1: In the Field
In the late spring/early summer those chicory seeds are sown.
The chicory plant produces a dense, leafy, knee-high foliage over a 5-month period.
Time to Dig
In the fall that foliage is mowed close to the ground and discarded in preparation for digging the roots.
Out of the Field
The foundation of endive production: A chicory root harvested from the field and crowned by its intact growing bud.
Phase 2: Into the Dark
In a dark, moist, cellar-like environment that bud on the chicory root grows again, rendering a single mature endive in about 4 weeks.
Roots Ready for Harvest
Mature ready to harvest red and white endive.
A Delicious Result
Our objective as farmers: a unique, versatile, healthy vegetable available year-round.